Tweet Cloud

November 30, 2009

I saw TweetClouds from Hutch and thought I’d post my cloud for the last year

According to Tweet Cloud, these are my most frequently used words over the last year:

  1. blog
  2. post
  3. fcoe
  4. thanks
  5. nice
  6. social
  7. media
  8. world
  9. cisco
  10. innovation
  11. video
  12. time
  13. cloud
  14. people
  15. looking
  16. business
  17. facebook
  18. bloggers
  19. friendfeed
  20. forum
  21. vmware
  22. week
  23. live
  24. conference
  25. storage
  26. google
  27. lots
  28. check
  29. hope
  30. list

Interesting that Google (Wave, etc), Cisco and VMware all make my list, but not my own company (EMC).

I also compared this year list to the last six months and found that more tech topics trended up – cloud (#3) and vmware (#7) and more general social media (FriendFeed and Facebook) dropped off the list.  It’s good to see that for the most part, my Twitter Cloud does match my Twitter bio topics – social media, innovation, storage networking and virtualization.  I was a bit surprised that “thanks” dropped off the six month list; so in case I haven’t said it enough, Thank You for everyone who has stopped by or had conversations on line.

Stuart Miniman

Share the source of your inspiration

November 16, 2009

How do you determine what blogs to read?  There are millions of choices and most people reach a point where they either become inundated with too much information or they stop adding new sources.  Of course, if we continue to go to the same sources, we will be finding less new ideas.

Finding and sharing the best blogs

Google Reader LogoI read plenty of articles and there are a small percentage of blog posts that I read that I would like to be able to go back and read again or reference in blog posts.  After reading articles from Louis Gray about Google Reader, I learned that not only can I keep a history of the articles that I enjoyed most, but I can also share the links with others.  I find that one of the best ways to stay energized with blogging is to keep reading different viewpoints, and by looking at the shared links of friends, coworkers and bloggers, I could read the “expertly filtered” articles from many more sources than I would ever have time to read.

If you enjoy my blog posts, you might have interest in the items that I share since they are part of the inspiration for what I write.  If you would be interested in my shared items and use Google Reader, go to Sharing Settings (which you can go find a link to at “Your Stuff” towards the top of the left bar) and in the “Find people sharing in Reader” put  For other feed readers or to see the shared link page, you can go to this link.  [Note that making connections through Google accounts can also allow you to connect via Gmail, Google Chat and Google Wave]

I addition to sharing through the Google Reader interface, you can also use the bookmarket to share any item that you are reading around the web.  There are other options for sharing such as social bookmarking and Twitter – and if you can, I recommend using multiple options – but only in Google Reader can you read the full articles and share them from a single screen.

Whether you are an active blogger or reader of the web, it is a simple thing to share articles.  It not only helps to promote the best articles that you find, but allows your contacts to spend less time in finding some great resources.

Stuart Miniman