Lessons from 10 Years of theCUBE

When I accepted an offer from Dave Vellante to be an analyst at Wikibon in 2010, it was before John Furrier had shared the idea for theCUBE with us. Ten years later, I’ve personally done thousands of video interviews (most of them broadcast live). I’ve greatly enjoyed talking to a wide spectrum of people on and off camera: from industry luminaries, founders of companies, practitioners, and even some authors and athletes. I’ve learned a lot from the interviews and also steadily worked on the craft of doing video interviews. I’ve received a lot of questions in recent years about how to prepare for video interviews; to help answer that and other questions, I put together a 10-minute video with some of the tips I’ve learned over the years. Spoiler alert: if you’re familiar with the ten-thousand hour rule (here’s the original article by Malcolm Gladwell – an alum of theCUBE – from The New Yorker; I highly recommend reading his book Outliers too), me “being natural” is mostly a result of lots and lots of interviews, while continuing to solicit feedback and get better over time. While I know that saying “practice, practice, practice” isn’t the biggest help, I do hope that some of my other comments are useful.

Everything changed in 2020; it led me to some internal reflection, and I determined that I was ready to make a change. As I noted in the video, I’m leaving SiliconANGLE and will save mention of my next step for another day. TheCUBE has a great bench of hosts that can continue to help extract the signal from the noise. The community interactions over the last 10 years have been amazing; I know that they will continue, just in different ways. If my connections or experiences can be of help, please reach out. A big thank you to Dave Vellante, John Furrier, the SiliconANGLE Media team, and the community of theCUBE. I’m no longer a host, but will always be a CUBE alum.

PS – the analyst “hat” has been an interesting one to wear. I shared many of my thoughts when I was a guest on The Geek Whisperers podcast back in 2014. Being an analyst and researcher allowed me to go deeper than blogging. We helped define and educate the market on many emerging trends. I especially enjoyed an editorial series that I ran this year on “Cloud Native Insights” (see the full series on Wikibon). One of my guests was Forrest Brazeal of A Cloud Guru, who wrote a poem and caricature of me (click it below for a link to his book). I look forward to continuing the industry conversations online.



6 Responses to Lessons from 10 Years of theCUBE

  1. mark Hopkins says:

    Best of luck in your future endeavors!

  2. Michael Berthiaume says:

    Congrats on a great run Stu! Thanks for fostering such thoughtful discussion over the years. Best of luck in the future and keep in touch!

  3. Kevin K says:

    Huge congrats @Stu! You really made the most of every opportunity and worked your tail off to get where you are. So happy for you and congratulate you on an awesome run with theCube. Good luck on the next adventure! KK

  4. Ray DeMeo says:

    Stu, Congratulations on this big move. Thanks for the many many hours of insight and education. Best, Ray

  5. Jason K. says:

    Stu! A very heart-felt congratulations to you, sir. It has been a great pleasure working with you as both an analyst and as a host of theCUBE. You have grown immensely over the years and have made your indelible mark on the IT landscape. For that, you should be proud; as I am to have known and worked with you at various times throughout the past 10 years. Best wishes to you and yours in the next chapter.

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