Darth Vader SWCSA

February 19, 2010

I have intercepted a message from Darth Vader.  It appears to be a message to Marc Farley, the founder of the Steering Wheel Camera Society of America (SWCSA) and StorageRap blogger.
I knew that Chad Sakac had hired a bunch of powerful bloggers to his vArmy, but it seems that the power of the force is joining the power of virtualization.

Dilbert ∩ Convergence

August 9, 2009

I guess the topic of convergence is getting a lot of hype if even Dilbert is talking about it:

Sounds like they could use a private cloud solution.

Not only didn’t I need to make any edits to the strip to make it very relevant, but thanks to the wonders of the web, it is so easy to share or embed this without having to worry about copyright infringement.

∩ is the symbol for intersection.  As I always suspected, the intersection of innovation, social media, storage and virtualization is Dilbert.  Now I just need a good Venn diagram for the header for this blog – anyone with graphic talents want to help me make one?